The Bible consists of the 66 books of the Protestant Bible. These 66 books are without error and form a harmonious and unified statement of truth by which all truth claims must be measured. They are the only reliable source of measuring religious, theological, or other truth. The Bible is essential for knowing objective truth and all human reason, scientific and philosophical ideas must be measured by the plain teaching of the Bible.


It is best to read the Bible either in the original languages or a literal translation. I use the World English Bible (WEB) for the podcast for copyright reasons but suggest you follow along in a literal translation like the New American Standard Bible (NASB) or the New King James Version (NKJV).


There is but one God. God the Father is the source of all things. God the Father is Spirit and those who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth. God the Son is God and is the means of all things. He is subject to God the Father. He came not to do his own will but the will of God the Father who sent him. Jesus and the Father are one. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, and points beyond himself to God the Son. The Holy Spirit can be blasphemed and he has divine qualities and attributes showing his Deity. The Bible emphasizes the need to pray to God the Father, worship the Father and Son, and to obey and walk in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cleanses and purifies the believer from his sins at conversion and empowers him to live a holy life. Christian Baptism is in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Adam is the first human that God created and God made him of the dust of the ground which God had previously created and God breathed into his nose the breath of life. God made the first woman from Adam’s rib. Adam and Eve were created by God in the image of God. All humans are descendants of Adam and Eve. Adam disobeyed God of his own free will and brought sin into the world. Man is evil from his youth up. Jesus was born without sin and while tempted never sinned. Man cannot save himself by good works.


Man needs to be restored to a right relation with God to make it to heaven. Since we have all sinned, we have all died spiritually and need God to give us spiritual life. Our sins required a perfect sacrifice to atone for our sins. God sent God the Son to earth to live a holy life and die on the cross for our sins. This death of Jesus Christ atones for the sins of those who repent (turn from their sins to follow God), confess their sins to God, accept through faith Jesus’ atoning work on the cross and his resurrection from the dead as the basis of salvation. This is what it means to be born again.


God equips the born again with the Holy Spirit to enable them to live the Christian life. Born again Christians who practice the works of the flesh will not go to heaven unless they repent and restore their relationship with God. We are saved by faith alone in God and God’s grace and not by works. True works after salvation is merely God working in and through us. He gets the credit.


There is no substitute for putting God first in your life. One way that is manifested is by regular church attendance. Church attendance is none other that gathering together with other Christians to serve and worship God. The church is the body of Christ and each member of the church (body of Christ) are to serve God and encourage other Christians and be encouraged by other Christians. My podcast is no substitute for church attendance and supporting the ministry of the church you attend.


True doctrine was of upmost importance to Jesus and the Bible. The Christian has the duty to himself and those he influences to go to a church that faithfully teaches and preaches God’s word. For you to determine the trustworthiness of a pastor or teacher you too must be a student of God’s word.


Jesus gave the church the commission to make disciples which includes teaching them to obey all things Jesus taught. Jesus is God. The Bible is inspired by God. Jesus is behind and approves the entire Bible as his teaching. There is no difference between the teaching of any part of the Bible and Jesus. Doctrine is of upmost importance in the church. The pastor and all Christians have the responsibility and duty to faithfully study and teach God’s word even to those who do not think doctrine is all that important. A Christian pastor takes his orders from Jesus not other Christians or non believers who do not prioritize the teaching of the Bible. Parents teach your children the truth. You are their pastor.


Christian music should be doctrinally faithful to the word of God and include worship of God the Father and honoring the Son as we honor the Father. We worship the Holy Spirit by obeying him.


The main function of communion is to remember the once and for all death of Christ on the cross on our behalf in which he gave his body and blood as an atonement for our sins. The grape juice symbolizes his shed blood and the bread symbolizes his body that died for us. Baptism symbolizes our cleansing from sin that happened when we were born again, and our death with Christ to walk in newness of life.


Church rituals such as the sacraments are no replacement or substitute for holy living. In fact, God hates rituals, and worship of God when we are not committed to living a holy life to the best of our ability and dependance on God’s grace.


God’s word condemns sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman. A Christian is a false prophet if he says something is good that God’s word condemns. Christians should be kind to sinners but must not endorse what God’s word condemns. Christians should speak the truth in love.


Born again Christians who stay faithful to God to the end will inherit eternal life with God. To be absent from the body is to be present with Christ. However, that is no substitute for the resurrection from the dead. The Christian hope includes the resurrection of the body. Those not right with God when they die will spent eternity in hell which is a place of eternal torment. Those right with God when they die will spend eternity in the new heaven and the new earth with God.


Christ will physically return to earth to raise faithful Christians from the dead and gather Christians still living at the time of the second coming and then God will judge the world.