God calls sinners to come to him for eternal life. God desires all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of God’s truth. God’s provision of salvation makes it possible for us to be set free from sin and from God’s wrath. God promises the gift of eternal life to those who turn from their sins, and believe in Jesus and his atoning death on the cross for their sins. After this God wants the believer to be established in their faith and in holy living. Jesus warned that not everyone who calls him Lord will make it to heaven but those who do the will of God. Those who endure to the end will be saved. God teaches in his word how Christians can be established in their Christian faith so they will stay true to God to the end. This book studies this Biblical theme, and explains how God’s word teaches us about how we can become strong Christians, faithful to God. This book is available online and can be found at the following link.

Established in Holiness is a Book on Christian Discipleship, Growth, and Strength.