Episode 32: John chapter 10: Jesus the Door and the Good Shepherd

The Gospel of John chapter 10 is about Jesus being our protector, and keeper. There are many voices calling us to follow them. Many of these voices calls us to do things displeasing to God and will lead us into spiritual danger away from God. Jesus’ followers listen to his voice and obey the teachings of Jesus. Hearing and obeying Jesus will keep us on the right path to pleasing God. Jesus came to reveal God the Father. Jesus’ teaching includes the entire Bible because there is no disagreement between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in theology. The Holy Spirit points beyond himself to Jesus and Jesus points beyond himself to God the Father.


Episode 33: John chapter 11: Jesus Focused on Bringing Glory to God the Father Raises Lazarus from the Dead


Episode 31: John chapters 8 and 9: Jesus is the Light of the Word and Gives Sight to the Blind