Episode 6: Navigating the Bible Content and Message Part 4.

This episode focuses on learning the 5 major prophetic books in the Old Testament which are an important part of God’s Holy Word which we call the Bible. These 5 books are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. God entered into a covenant with Israel that he would be their God and they would be his people. However, God had serious problems with how they were living. We may be tempted to think our live will always be sure and happy and that God will not let bad things happen in our life. We may tend to forget that God considers sin to be serious and that he will bring judgment for disobedience. We may not want to hear God’s truth or may be too busy to hear God’s truth. We may not find that much harm in disobeying God. We may falsely believe that if we just go to church and worship God that he will overlook us living a sinful life. But God is not that way. In these prophetic books God’s people were severely punished and severely suffered because of their rebellion against God. Yet these books give us hope that if we are sorry and return to God before it is too late then God will forgive us. 


Episode 7: Navigating the Bible Content and Message Part 5: The Twelve Minor Prophets


Episode 5: Navigating the Bible Content and Message Part 3