God Reveals Himself as Creator


God reveals Himself as Creator

© David W. Biggs, 2022, except for World English Bible, Orthodox Version (WEB) which is in the public domain.

Read Genesis 1:1-31.

God is the creator of all things.  We can learn much about God just knowing that God created heaven and earth.

First, we learn that God is wise (see also Proverbs 8:12-31).  He is wise enough to make such a big and complex world.  He knows all about the world he has made.  He knows all about us.  He also knows how to fix problems when they arise.  The Bible teaches us that God took the earth as a ball of mud and shaped it into a beautiful planet.  He can take a messed-up world and make something beautiful out of it.   Even if we mess up God's world or our lives God can return the world and us to something good and beautiful.

Second, we learn of God's power.  When God commands something to happen, it happens.  He can bring life out of nothing.  He can bring beauty out of the ugly.  He can straighten out the world's mess and put things in their proper place and order so things will be neat, beautiful, and good.  From the Bible we also learn that God can fix up our lives when we mess them up.

Third, we learn something about God's character.  He made a good world.

Fourth, the Bible tells us God made humans (male and female) like him.  They are like God in that they are to take care of God's world (Genesis 1:26-28).  God has equipped people with the resources to take care of His world.  He gave us bodies, minds, and the ability to communicate with him.

While God created the world from nothing, an additional part of God creating the world was organizing it and putting it in order. The creation account begins with God creating the heaven and the earth. Then we see the earth was without form and it was empty (Genesis 1: 1-2).

God also created by just commanding it to be. God said for there to be light, and light came into existence (Genesis 1:3).  God just ordered light to be, and it became.

God created the world in six days. When he looked back on the world he made, God said it was very good.

On the sixth day of creation God created man in his image and likeness. He made man, male and female. Genesis 1:27

God gave man (man and woman) the responsibility to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and to rule over the animals (Genesis 1:28).

Read Isaiah 40:21-31.

Isaiah 40:21-31 teaches us a lot about God's power. 

1.  He has control over the world He has made (Isaiah 40:21-26).

2.  He knows all about us (Isaiah 40:27).

3.  He never gets tired (Isaiah 40:28).

4.  He gives strength to the weak (Isaiah 40:29).

5.  He is the Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28).


What are some areas in your life where you need God's strength?

In Revelation 4:8-11, the heavenly creatures responded to God as creator by worshipping him. They gave glory and honor and thanks to God.

When humans fail to recognize God's right to be worshipped and obeyed, they suppress God’s truth and become more and more wicked. Romans 1:18-32.

God as our creator wants to have a special relationship with him.  He wants us to be his friends.  He wants to walk and talk with us.

Read Jeremiah 32:17-19.

Jeremiah 32:17 says nothing is too difficult for God.  He has unlimited power. 

What would you do if you had unlimited power?

What do you do with you power now?

What would you do if you had more power?

 God uses his unlimited power to love thousands. He does great works. He shows lovingkindness to thousands (Jeremiah 32:18). He treats everyone justly (Jeremiah 32:19). He gives to everyone according to the fruit of his doings.

Based on how God uses his power, how do you think God wants us to use our resources?

In Jeremiah 32:17-19 we see the following 6 attributes of God. God is creator. God is all powerful. God is loving. God is great in counsel, and God sees everything. Finally, God is just. God rewards or punishes according to people’s work.


Father God, we worship you for your good character and the good world you made. Help us to be good stewards of the world you have entrusted to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



God’s Character, Sovereignty, and Love


God as Revealer