God’s Character, Sovereignty, and Love

(c) David W. Biggs, 2022

God’s Character, Sovereignty, and Love

A key passage for understanding God's character is Exodus 32:1-34:1-9.  Read this passage.  Key verses are Exodus 34:6-7.

         The people of Israel were slaves in Egypt.  In keeping with the promise God made to Israel's ancestors, God delivered Israel from slavery to the Egyptians.  Israel became God's people.  Moses was the person God used to lead them from Egypt to Mt. Sinai.  God revealed himself to Israel at Mt. Sinai.  God gave the Israelites the 10 commandments to help them know how He wanted them to live.  The 10 commandments were:

 1.  Have no other gods. We are to worship only the one true God revealed in the Bible.

2.  Do not worship idols.

3.  Honor God's name.

4.  Keep the Sabbath holy by resting.

5.  Honor your parents.

6.  Do not murder.

7.  Do not commit adultery.

8.  Do not steal.

9.  Do not lie.

10.  Do not covet the belongings of others. 

Look up and read Exodus 20:1-17.

 One day Moses went up Mt. Sinai and talked with God for several days.  While he was gone Israel turned from God.  They built a golden calf and worshipped it.  God's reaction was an intent to destroy Israel.  Moses prayed and influenced God to change his mind.  God promised to forgive Israel but there would be punishment for their sins.  As punishment many people died.  God threatened to withhold his presence from Israel.  It was in this situation that God revealed his presence to Moses.  Exodus 34:6-7 tells us what God revealed about himself to Moses at this time.  Read Exodus 34:6-7.  These verses are central to this story. 

From these verses we learn:

 1.  God is compassionate.  He forgives us when we need forgiveness.  He helps us at our point of need.

2.  God is gracious. He gives us more than we need.

 3.  God is slow to anger.  He is patient with our weaknesses, shortcomings, and faults.

 4.  God abounds in lovingkindness and truth (faithfulness).

 These two words together means to be faithful to a relationship and show it with actions of love and kindness.  When we obey God, God promises to be there with us for our good.

 5.  God forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin.

God will forgive us even when we have disobeyed him and disowned him.  However, as in Israel's case we must turn away from our sins and return to God.  Even after our sins have been forgiven there may be negative consequences for us and for future generations.

6.  God has wrath against sin and will punish sin. 

 God does not take disobedience against him lightly.  It brings the threat of severe punishment and the withdrawal of God's loving presence, protection, and care.

 7.  Sin even after being forgiven has consequences that lasts for generations.


 1.  Which of the 10 commandments did Israel disobey in worshipping the calf?

 Answer: They failed to keep God first and they worshipped idols.

2.  Why do you suppose the Israelites worshiped a calf instead of God?

 3.  Have you ever been tempted to turn from God when he never gave you an immediate answer to your prayer?  If so, where did you turn?   What can we learn about this from this story?

 4.  How did God react to Israel worshipping the calf?

 Exodus 32:10 Answer: He wanted to take all the lives of the calf worshipers

 Exodus 32:34-35 Answer: God punished them and brought a plague on them.

 5.  What does God do to those who sin against him?

 Exodus 32:33 God blots their name from God’s book.

 6.  Sin results in the withdrawal of God's presence (Exodus 33:3).

 7.  In Exodus 34:6-7 we learn that God is merciful and gracious. He is patient. God has an abundance of goodness and truth. He forgives but will punish the wicked.

 God wants us to forgive others just as he has forgiven us.

See Colossians 3:12-13, and Ephesians 4:31-32. 

 God as Yahweh

 Read Exodus 3:13-16; 6:2, 3.

 God revealed himself to Moses as Yahweh.  Yahweh is similar to the Hebrew word meaning "I am" used in this same passage.  Yahweh is usually translated LORD in most English versions. Notice LORD is in all capital letters.   Some versions render it as Jehovah.  The New Testament translates it as Lord.  Deuteronomy 6:4, 5 teaches us that Yahweh is one.  It can be translated one of two ways.  1.  Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one.  or 2.  Yahweh our God is one Yahweh.  The main point here is that Yahweh is one.  He alone is to be object of our love and devotion as God.

 God as Father

Father denotes a special relationship of love, care, and protection.  Israel was seen as God's firstborn son (Exodus 4:22).  This sonship was revoked when Israel was disobedient to God (Hosea 1:9).   God out of his kindness restored it (Hosea 1:10).  The king of Judah was seen as God's son (2 Samuel 7:14; Psalm 2:7; 89:26,27).  Jesus is the Son of God.  We are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

 God as King

What do we learn about God as king in Psalm 93:1-2? 

Answer: God is majestic. God has strength. God is so strong he can establish the world. God is eternal.

God's kingship is related to the concept of God as our creator (Psalm 95:6).  See context at Psalm 95:3-6.  God is king over all the earth. Psalm 47:2.

God’s word prophecies in the Old Testament that God’s servant Messiah will be both a King and a Shepherd over God's people.  Ezekiel 37:24.

 Jesus is the servant Messiah Ezekiel prophesied about. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. John 10:14-15

 God as our Shepard

 1.   Feeds us with God’s truth.

2.   Protects us from spiritual and physical danger. Genesis 48:15-16; Genesis 49:24-25.

3.   Provides our needs.

4.   Guides us.

5.   Provides a heavenly home.

 See Genesis 48:15-16; Genesis 49:24-25; Psalm 23.

 What are some ways that God has protected you from harm or evil?

 What characteristics about God make you feel sake in Him being your Shepherd rather than someone else being your shepherd?

 Why should this motivate us to obey God?

 God as righteous

 1.  God is righteous because he fulfills his promises (Nehemiah 9:8).

2.  God as righteous deals faithfully (Nehemiah 9:33).

3.  God as righteous tries our hearts and minds (Psalms 7:9).

4.  Since God is righteous, we may plead with him for justice (Jeremiah 12:1).

5.  God is the righteous judge who defends the rights of the poor and the oppressed (Psalm 9:4, 5, 8 ,9; 35:24,28).  When God delivers (saves) people from injustice He is bringing forth justice and righteousness.  Righteousness parallels salvation (Psalm 65:5).  God's righteous deeds brings peace to the oppressed (Psalm 72:2 and context).  God pours righteousness on those who seek him (Hosea 10:12).

6.  God's righteousness is revealed in the Gospel (Romans 1:17).

7.  God is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins when we confess them.  1 John 1:9.

8. God is our justifier (the one who declares us righteous).   He declares us righteous.  We are justified as a gift of God's grace.  It is through the redemption in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24).  God is the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus (Romans 3:26).

 God as Savior

 God as our savior is our light and salvation. He shows the right path. We need light to see the right path. God gives us strength. He helps us not to be afraid. Psalm 27:1                           

 God is our defense. Psalm 62:1-2

 God is our refuge. He protects us. Psalm 62:6-7

 Since God is our Savior we should

 1.   Praise him for being our Savior. Psalm 95:1-6.

2.   Rejoice and be glad. Isaiah 25:9.

 God is our only Savior. Hosea 13:4

 God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:3, 4.

We need a savior because our own good works will not save us. Titus 3:5.

 We are saved by God’s mercy. Titus 3:5.

 We are saved by being born again. Another word for being born again is regeneration. God gives us the gift of eternal life. Conversion is talked in terms of the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit.  Titus 3:5

What are some ways in which God renews Christians? 

 Titus 3:3-5 Answer: God sets us free from disobedience, deception, lusts, pleasures, malice, envy, and hate.

Who renews us?

 Titus 3:5 Answer: The Holy Spirit.

 What else does God do for us when we become Christians? Titus 3:7

 1. God justifies us.

2. Gives us an inheritance (the hope of heaven).

3.  Gives us the hope of eternal life.



The Doctrine of the Trinity 


God Reveals Himself as Creator