David Biggs David Biggs

Episode 23: The Book of Revelation: Bible Overview part 21.

This episode focuses on learning some of the content and message of the book of Revelation. Revelation is a book written to Christians undergoing persecution giving them the hope that Christ will triumph in the end. It is also a warning to churches about changes they must make for Jesus’ blessings to be among that church.

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David Biggs David Biggs

Episode 21: 1 Peter and 2 Peter: Christian suffering for doing good: Bible Overview part 19.

In 1 and 2 Peter, Peter reminds believers of God’s teaching. He gives instructions for how to grow as a Christian and to be established as a Christian and he gives warnings of false teachers that may lead them astray. In 1 Peter, Peter gives guidelines on how to exalt God’s name by holy living in various relationships including marriage between one man and one woman. In 2 Peter, Peter warns of false teachers and the need to hope for Christ’s second coming, and how to live in anticipation of Christ’s return. 

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David Biggs David Biggs

Episode 19: Hebrews: Faith in God’s Promises gives Christians the Hope of God’s Heavenly Inheritance Bible Overview part 17.

The book of Hebrews has 13 chapters. The focus of the book of Hebrews is that the worship at the temple, the sacrifices and the priests were only symbols of the real thing. The temple has been replaced with heaven itself. Jesus was the perfect and only effective sacrifice for our sins. Jesus is our high priests who ministers before God in our behalf.

God has revealed himself to us in various ways in the past. In the Old Testament period God revealed himself to Israel through prophets. God revealed his word to prophets through angels, visions, dreams, and historical acts in behave of God’s people. God saved the best and ultimate revelation of himself through Jesus Christ

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David Biggs David Biggs

Episode 13: Galatians: Navigating the Bible Content and Message Part 11. Freed from sin and enabled to live holy in Christ and the Holy Spirit.

This episode focuses on learning some of the content and message of the Book of Galatians. In this Epistle Paul among other topics talks about how the Christian is to live a holy life through the grace and power of God’s holy Spirit. Of the 21 Epistles in the New Testament 13 are written by Paul and 8 are General Epistles. The first of Paul’s epistles in book order in the New Testament is the book of Romans. Romans is followed by the book of 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians is followed by 2 Corinthians. 2 Corinthians is followed by the book of Galatians. Galatians has 6 chapters.

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David Biggs David Biggs

Episode 12: 2 Corinthians: Navigating the Bible Content and Message Part 10, Comfort in Affliction

This episode focuses on learning some of the content and message of the Book of 2 Corinthians. In this Epistle Paul among other topics talks about Comfort in Affliction. Of the 21 Epistles in the New Testament 13 are written by Paul and 8 are General Epistles. The first of Paul’s epistles in book order in the New Testament is the book of Romans. Romans is 16 chapters long. Romans is followed by the book of 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians is followed by 2 Corinthians. 2 Corinthians has 13 chapters.

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David Biggs David Biggs

Episode 8: Navigating the Bible Content and Message Part 6: The Four Gospels

The New Testament starts off with 4 Gospel books written in this order: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Gospel means good news. These 4 Gospels tell us about the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. When the word Gospel is used in reference to these 4 books it refers to a book that includes the historical accounts of what Jesus said and did during his life on earth that are geared to the needs of the early church. The Gospels are addressed to different audiences and each emphasizes aspects of Jesus’ teaching and ministry geared to reaching these various audiences. Towards the end of these 4 Gospels is the account of Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead on the third day. This episode focuses on learning the names of these four Gospel accounts in order and some of their content.

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David Biggs David Biggs

Episode 7: Navigating the Bible Content and Message Part 5: The Twelve Minor Prophets

This episode focuses on learning the 12 minor prophetic books in the Old Testament which are an important part of God’s Holy Word which we call the Bible. These prophetic books show that God will bring judgment upon the world because of its sins. God also judges those who call upon his name but live lives displeasing to God. These books also give hope to those who repent and return to God. The topics in these books cover issues of how God wants his people to live and the hope of restoration for those who will return to God.

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